4678 Isabelle St. • Eugene, OR 97402
Ph: (541) 359-3755 • Fax: (541) 982-2266
CCB# 172839
Compression Engineering

Through our partnership with Compression Engineering we can provide you with Energy Management Solutions.
Compression Engineering Corporation is an independent energy-engineering consulting firm, specializing in industrial compressed air, pneumatic conveying, centrifugal pump, and other similar industrial machinery systems.
What Can We Do For You?
We can help you save energy cost-effectively by providing a variety of engineering services, including energy analysis reports (“energy audits”), preliminary concept layouts, equipment evaluations, detailed drawings, project consulting, measurement and verification. Energy analysis range from a simple walk-through to data-logging, baseline development, simulation of measures, and a formal report. These robust evaluations develop a basis for the economics of a system upgrade project.
Please contact us at TAG to help put this team together.