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Peak Flow, MWMC, Oregon

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The Peak Flow Management Project provides flow management piping and diversion facilities to increase the amount of flow that can be treated at the plant during wet weather peak events. The improvements make it possible to divert wastewater through an alternative route during high flows that occur with prolonged winter storms.


The project consists of four additions to the existing facilities: a 96-inch diameter pipeline to convey flow from the outlet of the headworks facilities to the inlet of the aeration basins, an 84-inch diameter pipeline to convey flow from the outlet of the aeration basins to the new high rate disinfection basin, also constructed as a part of this project, and finally, flow diversion structures, and flow control and measurement equipment is also included in the project.


The Automation Group (TAG) provided flow measurement instruments, analytical instruments, field interface control panels, start-up, testing, and training for the new system.

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